"To grow the lifelong sport of tennis in the Mid-Columbia region by providing needed equipment, opportunity and resources."
"To foster a unified tennis community in the Mid-Columbia region, providing the resources and opportunities that make tennis an affordable and accessible passion for everyone."
Our non-profit organization started over 20 years ago when the late Phyllis Meyers, an avid tennis player at the Columbia Basic Racquet Club (CBRC), passed away in 1998. Phyllis Meyers left a legacy of giving back to the tennis community and young players. Since then, the Phyllis Meyers Tennis Association was established and has been helping grow tennis in the Tri-Cities. In memory of her love for the game of tennis her husband, Art, wanted to create a scholarship fund that would allow kids the ability to afford tennis. With the help of CBRC, Art organized a tennis tournament to raise a scholarship fund for underprivileged kids to play tennis and take lessons.
Every November for the past several years, the PMTA has traditionally held a round-robin tennis tournament that has evolved into a local tennis favorite known as the “Turkey Tournament,” where the players vie for a Thanksgiving turkey. The turkey tournament was officially called the Phyllis Meyer’s Tennis Tournament, in honor of Phyllis Meyers. The turkeys are graciously donated by the Yoke’s of Tri-Cities supermarket. All the funds go towards helping kids who may not have the means to pick up the game of tennis.
In 2014, the Phyllis Meyers’ Tennis Association elevated to a full non-profit 501(c)(3) and expanded the mission beyond CBRC to help kids who were not directly affiliated with the tennis clubs. By 2015, the Phyllis Meyers’ Tennis Association changed its name to the Mid-Columbia Tennis Association and repurposed its mission to be more involved year-round. Exposing more kids and tennis in elementary and middle schools became our primary focus to create a new influx of tennis players into the local Tri-City community and greater Mid-Columbia region of Southeastern Washington and Northeastern Oregon. Our secondary focus is to grow the sport of tennis in the Mid-Columbia area for the current and future generations of all ages to explore their love for the game.
Each year, Mid-Columbia Tennis Association provides an annual report detailing a summary of impact statements and fulfillment activities that align to MCTA's mission. All functions of MCTA and the board of directors is exclusively carried out on a voluntary basis. This information is made publicly available to provide transparency of MCTA operations. For more information please email info@midcolumbia10s.com.
Thank you for taking a moment to review MCTA's pathway to growth!